
Two-fisted Tales of Trousery.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Parkinson's Alzheimers

Last Saturday evening saw veteran celebrity interviewer Michael Parkinson extract 60 minutes worth of "chat" from American songstress Madonna, whose hits include "Papa get the breech...loading rifle, there are poor people on the lawn"; "Vogue ? - no Country Life, actually" and "Get orf moi lahnd" (sorry - couldn't think of a pun).

For someone who started as a penniless jobbing dancer and ended up a lady of the manor, one may have expected a rich and sustaining broth of an interview instead of the flavourless consommé that was delivered.

Nevertheless, the piece served two valuable purposes:
1) the effortless promotion of Timothy Taylor's Landlord Ale, quite possibly one of the nation's finest beers and now favoured by the Duchess of Dirge; and
2) confirmation that Parky really is losing his marbles.

Let me illustrate the second point. After watching his guest perform two of the most openly boystown, leather clad, oiled up, rainbow-coloured, Heaven-sent, bump and grind songs, both of which would have blown Soft Cell, The Communards, Erasure and the Village People off stage, the dear old buffer (Parky, not Mad Donna) was heard to enquire, " do you think you have become a bit of a gay icon?"

LargetrouserS: The bottom bracket since 1990


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