Get to work or Dai trying
This morning, my 6am porridge was interrupted by the sight of an old college friend on the telly. Wyre Davis, or "Taff" as we knew him then, was reporting on the new government proposal to put sponging paraplegics back to work, at least until theit teeth fall out, when I presume Phony Bliar will just use them as draft excluders.
I was minded to think how appropriate the juxtaposition of this story and reporter was. In his younger days, Taff was disabled by a quite appalling degree of Welshness, and considered almost unemployable. However, the plucky little Celt has turned his disability to an advantage and now regularly pops up on reports from the fourth world to tell us how the pobl y cwm are getting along.
Well done Wyre !
MawrllodraU: And that's swearing
I was minded to think how appropriate the juxtaposition of this story and reporter was. In his younger days, Taff was disabled by a quite appalling degree of Welshness, and considered almost unemployable. However, the plucky little Celt has turned his disability to an advantage and now regularly pops up on reports from the fourth world to tell us how the pobl y cwm are getting along.
Well done Wyre !
MawrllodraU: And that's swearing